VR Training Revolution: How Mazer Trainer is Simplifying No-Code Training Creation

VR training helps organizations reach a completely new level—it is significantly better than its traditional counterparts. Yet, to utilize it to its full potential, you need the right tools, such as Mazer Trainer. What is it, and how can it help you simplify training creation, eliminating coding from the equation? Find it out in this article.

What Is Mazer Trainer?

Mazer Trainer is an intuitive platform enabling you to create and deliver effective VR training experiences. The platform consists of:

The platform is sold as a service with a membership fee (on different levels) and enables you to create your own training without relying on programmers and outsourced experts. In simple terms, with Mazer Trainer, you can cost-effectively reap the harvest of VR learning.

The Benefits of Using Mazer Trainer

What exactly can you achieve using Mazer Trainer? Here is our list of the most crucial benefits.


Since you do not need to rely on external specialists to design the training, you have more flexibility and versatility. You can easily work with the tools provided by Mazer Trainer and tailor the whole learning experience to your needs and the participants’ learning styles. Moreover, if you are about to work with a different group of attendees, you can…adjust the training quickly to ensure that you always maximize the results.

What if you need a completely different training session? If you have the basic package, you’ll need to reshape your whole training…and that’s it. What’s more, if you have any of the more advanced packages, you can simply design a different program in a separate space. No other VR training tool will provide you with so much freedom.


Using Mazer Trainer to build a training situation is…extremely easy. You do not need to have any coding knowledge, and as part of our package, you have all the required tools at your disposal. In practice, this translates to:

  • more control over the program,
  • lower costs for multiple training scenarios,
  • wider accessibility within your organization (different experts may design their training),
  • quicker time-to-deploy.

As you can see, the ease of using Mazer Trainer doesn’t just mean convenience but also real profits for your business.

Higher Engagement

Finally, using Mazer Trainer will enable you to gain all the benefits of VR training, including enhancing employee engagement. Learning in Virtual Reality will be much more immersive, which will build a higher level of motivation, helping your employees learn faster and remember new information better.

Moreover, with VR, you can recreate real-life situations and connect with employees working remotely. There are a plethora of benefits that you should be interested in, and Mazer Trainer enables you to get them all without breaking the bank, or breaking a sweat.

The Takeaway

Using Mazer Trainer will enable you to unleash the power of VR training in your company. No matter the expertise you have with virtual reality, you will handle creating scenarios in our tool, as it’s highly intuitive. Discover its full potential, select one of the Mazer Trainer packages, and experience the effectiveness of VR training yourself. After all, it’s much better, and it is affordable, so it will not hurt to try it out.

If you decide to get our training platform, read our article on how to implement Mazer Trainer in your company.

Rafał Siejca

Author: Rafał Siejca

Rafal has over twenty years of corporate experience, including roles at Millennium Bank, Comarch, and leading software teams at PZU, one of Europe’s largest insurance companies. As one of Poland’s few true VR experts with a decade of experience, he ensures timely, high-quality project delivery as CEO and CTO.