Virtual Reality Banking

Banking to enter the age of Virtual Reality with Mazer’s breakthrough technology

VR technology has experienced an unprecedented boom in recent years with 14 million AR and VR devices sold in 2019 alone and the global market expected to grow to $209.2 billion by 2022 ( With more users than ever moving online in both their personal lives and in business, there is a hunger for innovative…

VR Presentation

The benefits of VR presentations in Mazer

As developments in technology become more and more sophisticated, we find all sorts of new ways to experience the world, both in our everyday lives and at work. Virtual reality is one such technological development which has provided ground-breaking changes across a spectrum of activities and industries. Below are some ways that Mazer is using…

5G and Augmented Reality

How will 5G affect Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality?

The widespread deployment of 5G networks is expected to benefit the global economy. However, the fifth-generation network is also a harbinger of significant technological changes and their implementation in business. Will it also influence Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality? When it comes to AR and VR, should the 5G Internet be seen as an opportunity…

How Virtual Reality (VR) Can Enrich the Hospitality Industry

How Virtual Reality (VR) Can Enrich the Hospitality Industry

Virtual reality (and augmented reality) is regarded as one of the most world-changing technologies of the 21st century. While many of the applications of VR are entertainment-based, it’s also businesses that can benefit from stimulating people’s senses with computer-generated images. And the hospitality industry is no different; interactive visual experiences that showcase tourist destinations and…

How Augmented Reality Can Support Industry 4.0

How Augmented Reality Can Support Industry 4.0

Augmented Reality (AR) is still a relatively new technology that is constantly evolving, with more and more applications in various sectors, including industry. What are the benefits of its use, and what areas of industry can it revolutionize? How does AR support Industry 4.0? You will find answers to these questions later in this article….

How Augmented and Virtual Reality are changing the insurance industry

How Augmented and Virtual Reality are changing the insurance industry

For most of us, it is absolutely clear that technology has helped many businesses and people around the world develop, especially now, during the pandemic. Innovative technologies enable companies to maintain and adapt to the constantly changing business environment and most sectors have accelerated to the future in the past year. The insurance industry is…

Uses of metaverse
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Uses of metaverse. How companies are already using the metaverse?

The metaverse might seem like its brand new, but some forward-looking companies have already begun development on metaverse solutions in an attempt to get ahead of the crowd. Most people are aware of Facebook’s foray into the metaverse space after Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement in October 2021 that he would be changing the company’s name to…

Extended Reality (XR) in the Pharma Industry

Extended Reality (XR) in the Pharma Industry

In today’s world, Extended Reality has soaked most industries and pharma is not an exception. Extended Reality technologies are overcoming traditional 2D challenges in the complex process of drug development. It has enabled increased efficiency and comfort for both scientists and specialists and has made their lives much easier and more convenient. In this article,…

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