10 essential facts about the metaverse

10 Essential Metaverse Facts to Kickstart Your Journey

Recently, the topic of the Metaverse has gained considerable popularity. Some people are hearing the term for the first time, while others do not consider it to be new. Some people are interested in making money from the virtual world. In this article, we will discuss the most essential facts about the metaverse. 10 Essential…

Big brands in the metaverse

Top 10 Most Popular Brands in the Metaverse Business

Big Brands are Leading the Metaverse Revolution There are numerous brands in the metaverse that are placing significant stakes in its growth. Tech giants in the universe have created entire platforms around this idea, while other brands are happy to work with these tech giants to promote and sell their goods on these platforms. These global…

how can businesses benefit from metaverse

How Can Businesses Benefit from Metaverse?

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the metaverse has emerged as a transformative concept that promises to reshape the way we work, interact, and do business. But what exactly is the metaverse, and how can businesses benefit from metaverse? What Is the Metaverse? The metaverse is a virtual universe, a digital realm where users interact…

Investing in VR

Why Businesses Need to Consider VR As Their Top Investment Choice

Virtual Reality has become a game-changer, providing numerous opportunities and advantages for companies in various industries. Why is VR a good investment and what can it bring to your business? 7 reasons to make a VR investment Are you wondering if VR is a good investment? There are a few potential business benefits to consider:…

Augmented reality applications examples: Pokemon GO

5 Examples of Augmented Reality Applications

Augmented reality is no longer a revolution – it is the present, it is available at our fingertips. Due to its effectiveness and helpfulness, it has become widely used in numerous industries and for various purposes. In this article, we present 5 examples of augmented reality applications to underline AR’s role in the modern world….

What is the difference between metaverse and multiverse

Metaverse vs Multiverse: The Differences Explained

Multiverse and Metaverse – two seemingly identical terms, which are in fact significantly different. Yet, for many, the distinction between these two still remains ambiguous. Even when conducting searches in Google, it is common to see suggestions to replace the term Multiverse with Metaverse. So, what actually is the difference between Metaverse and Multiverse? We…

XR journalism and storytelling

The Role of Extended Reality in Journalism and Storytelling

In recent times, Extended Reality (XR) technologies, including augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), have emerged as transformative tools in the world of journalism and storytelling. These technologies have also the power to reshape how we experience immersive journalism and narratives, providing readers with a visceral understanding of news events and stories by placing…

Furniture in the metaverse

How Can the Furniture Industry Benefit from the Metaverse?

The Metaverse is far more than it was supposed to be. Starting as purely a social platform for deeper human interaction, it has become an important part of various industries. The Metaverse can enhance e-commerce, be used to promote traditional products, or serve as a market for new, digital industries. This article will be focused…

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