Workplace Training for Gen Z: The Importance of Digital and VR Training Solutions
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Antiquated training solutions can quickly become overbearing for Gen Z workers who grew up surrounded by technology. If you sit down a new Gen Z hire in front of several dozen pages of documentation as part of their onboarding process, they’ll burn out faster than a candle left in a gusty wind. And it’s not even their supposedly ephemeral attention spans that make traditional training ineffective—it’s all about wasting the potential of technology to make the process smoother. That’s where VR training for Gen Z employees can turn the tables, and it’s precisely the topic we’ll be covering today.
Why Are Traditional Workplace Training Methods Not Enough Anymore
Traditional training methods like lengthy presentations and static documents have been a staple in onboarding new hires for a good while. They don’t require many resources, are pretty hands-off, and once you’ve prepared the necessary materials, you’re good to go, possibly even for years to come.
But some think that these methods have overstayed their welcome. They often fail to engage modern learners, especially those from the younger generations. Gen Z’s workplace expectations are vastly different, and they’re much more likely to spot and bemoan the problems with traditional approaches, such as:
- Low Engagement: Passive learning formats increase the trainee’s susceptibility to distractions.
- Limited Retention: People in general—no, not just Gen Z!—retain knowledge and information more actively and for longer periods when the learning process is more active and involving.
- Time-Intensive: Endless reading without the help of a mentor can unnecessarily extend the onboarding period without offering that great of a payoff.
The Importance of Digital Training for Gen Z
As a generation that grew up surrounded by technology, Gen Z craves tech-powered immersive experiences that combine engagement with effective learning. By limiting the friction associated with traditional training, your organization can do more than just improve its onboarding; it can futureproof it to attract top talent from younger generations—ambitious, success-hungry individuals for whom technology is second nature and who can revolutionize your business.
The fact of the matter is that modern digital training solutions like VR platforms align perfectly with how Gen Z (soon to be followed by Generation Alpha, by the way) consumes and processes information. With an onboarding toolkit designed to make learning dynamic and flexible, you can obtain a workforce that improves its scores drastically through learning by doing and adjusting the study pace to their own needs. After all, an employee who reads through 60 pages of boring reports won’t be able to readily bring that knowledge to the table once the arbitrary onboarding period is over.
Using VR to Supercharge Your Training and Upskilling
Virtual reality solutions can take digital training to the next level, and using VR training for Gen Z employees is simply a perfect match. Through engaging platforms like the Mazer Trainer, you can offer your employees immersive experiences that mimic real-world scenarios.
The best part? These solutions are so versatile, they can be utilized in almost any industry. Customer service? Definitely. Operating complex machinery? Absolutely? Performing complex surgical procedures? You bet.
What’s more, the fully immersive environments make the training experience more enjoyable and memorable, boosting knowledge retention by a significant margin. Introducing such measures can without a doubt create a learning environment that’s more accommodating for Gen Z employees.
Over time, this will translate into a more efficient business as your company begins to reap the benefits of shorter onboarding, smarter employees, and less frustration with outdated training methods. Plus, augmented reality allows you to later on restructure your organization in other ways, like VR upskilling and reskilling, too.
The Takeaway
The future of workplace training will be (re)shaped by the increasing share of Gen Z employees on the market. The shortcomings of traditional methods will become gradually more apparent, allowing digital and VR solutions to shine brighter than before and usher in a new age of scalable and engaging training,
If you’d like to integrate these cutting-edge methods into your training methods and remain ahead of the curve, contact us today and see how Mazer Trainer can transform your business.
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Author: Rafał Siejca
Rafal has over twenty years of corporate experience, including roles at Millennium Bank, Comarch, and leading software teams at PZU, one of Europe’s largest insurance companies. As one of Poland’s few true VR experts with a decade of experience, he ensures timely, high-quality project delivery as CEO and CTO.